Most people, at some point question, if what THEY say is real. We put our trust in men who we have never met, that set the rules for us mere fools and we abide, well at least most of us, most of the time abide. But when do we ever completely pull away and truly consider what they say?  It is surely our duty to brood over decisions that are made within the policies and laws.  Are our best interests being portrayed? It is quintessential for the prosperity of humanity that we never ignorantly accept the apparent status quo.

There is a Law which forbids free thinking adults to grow the cannabis plant.  As an occasional user, this topic interested me. I’ve never seen the harm in having the odd smoke, lots of presidents, politicians, intellectuals, artists and entrepreneurs have admitted to dabbling in the weed. But then when they take charge of passing laws ,taking care of our health system ,our education, our protection ,our economy, our over all well being and progression. They continually go along with the rhetoric, that its a useless dangerous drug, even though they have used it. Why? It seems quite hypocritical. Unless, of course there is proven, substantial evidence confirming the speculative dangers.

One of those dangers that is persistently repeated is that Cannabis is a Gateway Drug.  Meaning that It can somehow lead people to more harmful substances, where they may become addicted and dependent. A common misconception and a base for attack on the pro legalization camp. But does it hold any merit based on factual information?

Dr Gabor Mate. An addiction specialist put it most eloquently when he said

The addict is just after wanting to be a normal human being. The real question is, what keeps them from having those qualities in their lives and what happened to them?  And so the addiction should be seen, not as the problem, although it is a problem it is not THE problem. It is the addicts attempt to solve a problem in the first place “

Thus, people who abuse drugs do so because of their circumstances in life past and present, psychological issues and are unable to deal with the many, many stresses of life. To falsely claim the herb plant may have led them there is the most absurd and frankly ludicrous,  baseless theory ever. It is a theory without reason or facts.

If cannabis vanished in the morning there wouldn’t be a reduction in the amount of other drugs users. In fact according to the National Institute of Health

Cannabis may be an effective treatment in curing people of addiction from hard drugs such as cocaine and amphetamines.”

The consequences of trying to demonise and criminalise cannabis, wastes lives.  Health care diminished, research progression halted and frankly the continual patronization is degrading. We deserve the truth, we are evolved enough to make our own decisions.

Thankfully the vast majority are aware cannabis is not harmful, their knowledge may halt at that conclusion but only because they have been repeatedly lied to and have been denied the facts. However, more and more people are asking questions, eventually the truth will prevail.

An undeniable truth based on fact, Alcohol is far more dangerous than cannabis? It continues to be a problem within our youth, a fascinating UK study on students aged 15 and 16 showed that 27% partook in binge drinking three times in the past month, while in the same study only 7% used Cannabis three times in the last month.

According to a W.H.O (world health organisation) report, alcohol was responsible for 3.3 Million deaths in 2012 alone, the equivalent to the entire population of Albania. Imagine the uncountable number of people who have been fatally affected by alcohol over thousands of years? While your deliberating on how many millions of people that could be, contemplate that It is entirely possible cannabis was used as far back as 10,000 years ago by the ancient Indians. Either way it has most certainly been used for years beyond our comprehension with the first written account in 2727 BC (Shen Nung). And yet in all that time there has not been one single recorded death EVER!

Cannabis is not a threat to life, it enhances life.

St Georges University of London declared in the journal on Molecular Cancer Therapies that canninbinoids caused “dramatic reduction” in tumours with some shrinking to as low as one tenth of the original size. “We’ve shown that canninbinoids could play a role in treating one of the most aggressive cancers in adults “ said Dr Wai Liu.

Charlotte Figi was born in 2006, she sadly suffered with epileptic seizures, and by the time she was only two years old her seizures were nearly a constant. Her life was a continuation of seizures and strong pharmaceutical medicines which nearly killed her, while also having detrimental negative affects on her cognitive behaviour. After her parents had stumbled upon an article claiming cannabis could help. They took the plunge and tried cannabis rather than having to put her into an induced coma as she was now having up to 300 seizures a week her body couldn’t take it anymore.

From the first day of use, Charlotte began to improve. Within two weeks, Charlotte’s seizures were down from 300 a week to 0-10 a week .She began to smile and play again she began to live. The name of this strain of cannabis is now known as Charlotte’s web and is provided to over 3000 epileptic children around the world. Another heart warming, encouraging breakthrough in the benefits of cannabis that not everyone is aware of, Ostensibly, rather than harmful, it is extraordinarily beneficial. But unfortunately we are not doing enough research into the benefits because of the ridiculous anti-democratic law’s.

The true crime Is denying humanity the truth about cannabis and its medicinal prospects in killing cancer cells, treating epilepsy, easing pain, controlling nausea, to name just a few.

Apart from the phenomenal benefits already outlined

“The hemp plant can be converted to burnable oil or to ethanol. Cars driven only on hemp fuels have already toured the continent, proving conclusively that it is possible”

“Varieties of the cannabis plant and its products which include hemp seed foods, hemp oil, wax, resin, rope, cloth, pulp, paper and fuel” (Wikipedia)


But unfortunately the elites cant patten a plant, which means if it was legal, me and you could have all these benefits for free.But in reality, we are denied honesty. As they throw the veil of deceit over Truth, I’m compelled to refer to a Bible passage a message from God or from our distant relatives passing wisdom down through the ages .

And I will raise up for them a plant of renown, and they shall be no more consumed with hunger in the land, neither bear the shame of the heathen any more “ Ezekiel 34:29.

Cannabis has an extraordinary story, with so much untold. The generations subjected to the reefer madness propaganda continue to influence laws, they deprive us of our freedom to choose. They halt the true story from reaching the masses. WHY?

Who benefits from the denial of this truth and from the continuation of this barbaric dictatorial law.  We have only touched the surface of the medicinal benefits, and already it is easy to see pharmaceutical companies will lose out, as they can’t sell us a plant we can grow ourselves for free. Imagine being able to grow your own medicine. Imagine the prison population decline. With the rise of private prisons, criminalising regular and medicinal cannabis users is extremely beneficial. It is far more profitable for the billion dollar corporations to continue the prohibition.

Dangerous legal drugs are a lucrative business to corporations, with £800 million spent in the UK on advertising alcohol and $9 billion spent worldwide on promoting tobacco in 2012. Oh how the hypocrisy is beyond appalling.

Assuredly “Cannabis is the most dangerous drug ever” to those who deceive the masses, for those who gain from our deprivation, it is imperative they keep up the charade.

But we are the foundation of everything, from the lowly bottoms we courageously stir the ship and demand the truth, from behind the illusionary veil. Alas, then we shall see how positive this amazing plant can be for the whole of humanity.

When the Truth is heard they will begin to set free the herb.